Qantas Founders Museum
Airpark Roof Project

This extraordinary project is the centrepiece of a major upgrade to the Qantas Founders Museum (QFM) in Longreach, the spiritual home of the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services (Qantas). This two-stage project delivered an 8,000 square metre roof over the Air Park which is home to a collection of legendary Qantas aircraft including the mighty Boeing 747.
Steelcad was engaged to deliver the Steelwork shop drawings for this complex roof structure, which is designed mostly of CHS pipe trusses and cranked Universal Beams, which support an under-slung Aramax roof.
Steelcad was also engaged to provide marking plans for steelwork temporary works, which comprised of:
• Footing layouts for props
• Shop drawings of tower cradles
• Props for truss supports
• Sequential planning for erection of the steelwork
Steelcad worked side by side with the rigger to deliver a set of plans to enable accurate setout of the columns and roof structure.
Beenleigh Steel Fabrications
Longreach, Queensland
Robina Market Hall Stages 2A & 2B
Roof Project

The expansive precinct is spread over 2 levels and features fresh food retails, cafes, bars and restaurants. This lavish development is billed as the first of its kind in the country.
Steelcad was engaged to deliver the Steelwork shop drawings for this complex roof structure, which is comprised of a series of oblique conical vaulted arches, replicated across the site.
Steelcad was also involved in developing a system to speed up the erection of the stickbuilt sections of roof. The roof was designed with every second bay being a welded truss, with the adjacent bays being stick-built. A solution of a cradle was developed by Steelcad, which enabled the sticks to also be erected as a frame. This saved many hours in erecting the steelwork and also added to safety in design by minimising at height work risks
ADCO Constructions
ZC Technical
Gold Coast, Queensland
Robina Testimonials
ADCO Construction Pty Ltd
ADCO Constructions Pty Ltd